Beijing, China

Siyu Zhong is a Chinese artist, illustrator, UI/UX designer and digital designer now based in Ann Arbor, MI.


Often with art I feel stretched, challenged, and defamiliarized.

Art’s abstract language is the bridge that spans the gulf – huge concept like solitude can be condensed into pictures in life for us to reckon, and small things like a drop of rain can be held up to mirror the emotion with all its variety–offering new viewpoints that create a synergy of change in attitudes, perceptions, and thoughts.

I am often inspired by books and movies, and explores new perspectives through my own creations. Defamiliarization, an artistic technique that presents common things in unfamiliar or strange ways and evokes a new perspective, inspired me to apply abstraction and magical-realism to the natural world and distort it to create whimsical scenes. I am drawn to how the extension of self-awareness can merge into the surrounding environment and create otherworldly beauty that challenges perspectives of reality. The goal is to convey emotion and psychological states through the color palette and arrangement of background, of which the anatomy of the figures become ornamentation, and the ornamentation becomes anatomy.

Inspiration & Pogress: Night Series


Kafka’s short tale At Night tells the story of a watcher in the night who lights up the fire while others are asleep. “Someone must watch, it is said. Someone must be there.” The idea of “watch” stands out to me; the loneliness and sacredness contained in this concept inspired the theme of my art. The background is in abstract shapes and contrasting colors that aim to create a mysterious and grotesque atmosphere. The pale images of the young girls are in contrast to the bizarre night view, paradoxically showing a strange and dreamy effect.

Inspiration & Pogress: Circles Series


After I added the first circle in my artwork Koi, I felt obligated continuing adding it in my following pieces. It has drawn me in with an almost faith-like impulse of returning to the origin. There I continued the idea of Taoism, combined the human body with the nature to create a sense of harmony and unity.